Hod B jacket in place

The Hod field will be developed with a normally unmanned installation (NUI), Hod B, which will be remotely operated from Valhall and run on power from shore, yielding close to zero CO2 emissions during normal operations. 

Hod is one of the first projects to be realised under the temporary changes to the Norwegian petroleum Tax Act introduced in June 2020 following the COVID-19 breakout. The field is expected to generate more than NOK 6 billion of tax revenues during its lifetime. Including ripple effects, the project is estimated to create around 5 000 man-years of employment during the execution phase. 75 per cent of the contract values for construction of the Hod B platform and subsea installations have gone to Norwegian supplier companies. 

Both the jacket and topsides are being built at Aker Solutions in Verdal, and the work has secured a number of jobs at the yard. The Hod B platform is being delivered by the fixed facilities alliance between the operator Aker BP, Aker Solutions and ABB. The alliance also successfully delivered the Valhall Flank West NUI in June 2019. 

Hod B jacket
The Hod jacket sailed from Verdal on Sunday, 27 June, and is not installed at the field.

Hod B is expected to contribute 40 million barrels of oil equivalent and will be important for Valhall to reach the ambition of a total of two billion produced barrels from the area. Production is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2022.  

The Hod field has produced oil in the past from what was the first unmanned platform on the Norwegian continental shelf. The new Hod platform is a copy of Valhall Flank West. 

The Hod B topside is scheduled to sail from the Verdal yard in August. At the same time work is under way to plan remaining activities to complete the project. Multiple subsea campaigns will be conducted to install and connect the gas lift pipe, production flowline and umbilical. Integration work is under way on Valhall and the Maersk Invincible drilling rig is scheduled to start drilling production wells this autumn. 

Aker BP ASA is the operator of the Valhall and Hod fields. Pandion Energy AS holds 10% ownership interest in the Valhall area, including licenses PL006B, PL033 and PL033B.

Publication of the annual report for 2020

Jan Christian Ellefsen, CEO of Pandion Energy, stated the following:

“The ongoing pandemic affected both operational priorities and financial progress in 2020. During these challenging times, our key priorities have revolved around ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees, protecting operations and, finally, ensuring that Pandion Energy maintains a solid financial platform.

Our priorities will continue to revolve around ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our employees, protecting our operations, and securing a solid financial position until the Covid-19 situation has normalised.

Operationally, our strongest priority is to deliver production and continue developing the Valhall and Hod fields and progress the appraisal of the recent discoveries. This alongside maturing related upside potential and further developing our exploration portfolio.”

Pandion Energy’s revenues and other income for 2020 amounted to USD 116.6 million (2019: USD 125.1 million) and comprised net sales of oil and gas, gains from the sale of interests in licences and gain/loss from hedging positions.

Average net production for Pandion Energy was 5,639 boe per day (boepd), compared with an average of 4,334 boepd in 2019, driven by new Valhall infill wells and Valhall Flank West coming on stream during the year.

The board of Pandion Energy continues to monitor the situation related to the coronavirus pandemic closely.

In 2020, Pandion Energy was one of the first E&P companies in Norway to become carbon neutral for Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and announced a strategy in early 2021 for maintaining its position with a low carbon impact and net zero status.

The board considers Pandion Energy to be well positioned for further growth. The company remains committed to its strategy of being an active and responsible partner, participating in all phases of oil and gas resources on the NCS.

Pandion Energy Annual Report 2020

Pandion Energy completes acquisition of Iving interest

Pandion Energy AS and Wintershall Dea Norge AS have completed their previously announced transaction, whereby Pandion Energy has acquired a 2.5% non-operated interest in PL 820S, comprising the Iving oil and gas discovery announced in 2020, and a 15% non-operated interest in PL 617. Following completion, Pandion Energy holds a 12.5% interest in PL 820S and a 15% interest in PL 617.

PL 820S is located in blocks 25/7 & 8, north-northwest of the Balder and Ringhorne fields. The partnership is currently planning an appraisal campaign to be carried out later this year.

PL 617 is located in block 2/9, east-northeast of the Valhall & Hod fields. Earlier this year, the partnership drilled an exploration well on the Eidsvoll prospect. The well was reported dry.

Related post: 31 December 2020 – Pandion Energy acquires license interests from Wintershall Dea.

Pandion Energy Launches Strategy to Net Zero Carbon

Pandion Energy recognises that climate change is of critical importance to the future of the planet and supports the goal of the Paris Agreement to achieve a carbon neutral global economy.

The commitment to carbon neutrality has been achieved initially by offsetting CO2 emissions through programmes that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Despite the Company’s carbon intensity per produced barrel being one of the lowest in the global E&P industry – ranging from 1.2 – 3.4 CO2e/boe for its net production – Pandion Energy recognises the importance of minimising its carbon impact as swiftly as possible.

Pandion Energy’s approach to maintaining its low carbon impact position is set out in its Strategy to Net Zero Carbon document and includes:

  • Pursuing exploration and appraisal opportunities only in areas with existing or plausible future access to renewable energy sources
  • Incorporating GHG emissions and the potential for future carbon reduction as a new investment criterion for Development and Production assets
  • Incorporating the cost of carbon in evaluating new investments

Pandion Energy aims to align our disclosures with the recommendations set forth by Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) from 2021.

CEO of Pandion Energy, Jan Christian Ellefsen says:

A carbon light strategy has always been an imperative for Pandion Energy and our ongoing commitment to carbon neutrality alongside our new investment criteria represents a further positive step in our ambition to achieve Net Zero.

“As the rest of the world starts to move closer to Norway’s leading position on carbon emission reduction, we will continue our work to minimise our footprint and support other players in the sector to do the same.

We also see that further improvements to sharing of environmental data from operators to partners in all licences on the NCS, is an important step to reduce the industry’s climate footprint. Pandion Energy will be working actively towards a common industry standard for sharing and reporting on such data.”

Download Pandion Energy’s full Net Zero Strategy statement.

Pandion Energy awarded five APA licenses

The APA award was announced by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tina Bru on Tuesday 19 January. For more information about the APA 2020 Licensing Round see Ministry of Petroleum and Energy’s website.

Pandion Energy has been awarded the following licenses:

  • License PL 1108 in block 35/9 is located on the Måløy slope, west of the Gjøa field and north-east of the Nova field. Pandion Energy has considerable experience in this area, including the Duva field development project. Pandion Energy has been offered a 30 percent participating interest in PL 1108
  • License PL 1119 in blocks 6406/2,3,5 & 6 is located in the central part of the Halten Terrace, adjacent to the Tyrihans Sør, Trestakk and the Lavrans fields, as well as multiple discoveries. Pandion Energy has been offered a 20 percent participating interest in PL 1119.
  • License PL 263 F is additional acreage to PL 263 D/E located in the Norwegian Sea. The PL263 D/E license announced a minor gas discovery in exploration well 6407/1-8 S in November 2020. Pandion Energy holds a 20 percent interest in the license.
  • License PL 820 SB is additional acreage to PL 820 S, located in the central part of the North Sea, northwest of the Balder and Ringhorne fields. In March 2020, the partnership announced the discovery of oil and gas in exploration well 25/8-19 S, including two sidetracks. Pandion Energy holds a 12.5 percent interest in PL820 S of which a 2,5 percent interest was acquired in December 2020 and is pending completion.
  • License PL 891 B is additional acreage to PL 891, located in the central part of the Norwegian Sea, north of Heidrun. In December 2020, the partnership announced a significant oil discovery in exploration well 6507/5-10 S. Preliminary estimates place the size of the discovery between 75 to 200 million barrels oil equivalent. Pandion energy holds a 20 percent interest in the license.

VP Exploration and Appraisal of Pandion Energy, Bente Flakstad Vold comments:

“In addition to expanding our exploration portfolio we have secured strategically important acreage surrounding the discoveries Pandion has taken part in during the past year, further strengthening our position in areas where we see additional upside potential.”

Pandion Energy acquires license interests from Wintershall DEA

In March, Pandion Energy announced the results from exploration drilling in PL 820 S. Wells 25/8-19 S and 25/8-19 A proved hydrocarbons at five different intervals with the Iving discovery in the Skagerrak Formation being the most prominent with recoverable resources estimated to between 12 and 71 million barrels of oil equivalent. The operator, MOL Norge AS (40 percent), is together with partners Lundin Energy Norway AS (40 percent), Pandion Energy (10 percent before acquisition) and Wintershall DEA (10 percent before sale) planning an appraisal campaign in 2021. The license is located in blocks 25/7 & 8, north-northwest of the Balder and Ringhorne fields.

PL 617 contains the Eidsvoll prospect and is located in block 2/9, east-northeast of the Valhall & Hod fields where Pandion Energy holds a 10 percent interest. The operator, MOL Norge AS (40 percent), is together with partners OMV (Norge) AS (30 percent) and Wintershall DEA (30 percent before sale) planning to drill the Eidsvoll exploration well in 2021.

The transaction is subject to customary conditions for completion, including approval by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

Effective date for the transaction is 1 January 2021.

Pandion Energy partners in significant oil discovery in the Norwegian Sea

The wildcat well 6507/5-10 S is located about 23 kilometers north of the Heidrun field in the Haltenbank area, in the central part of the Norwegian Sea.

Preliminary estimates place the size of the discovery between 12 and 32 million standard cubic meters (Sm³) of recoverable oil equivalent, or about 75 to 200 million barrels oil equivalent.

The well encountered a total oil column of 270 metre in the Åre Formation and Grey Beds. Sandstone layers of 90 meters were encountered within the oil column with generally very good reservoir properties.

Pandion Energy, together with operator ConocoPhillips Scandinavia AS, will assess the results of the discovery together with other nearby prospects to determine the future appraisal and potential development solutions.

VP of Exploration and Appraisal at Pandion Energy, Bente Flakstad Vold, comments:

“We are proud to take part in the largest discovery in Norway this year. This illustrates the value creation potential in the team’s ability to make quick decisions based on a multidisciplinary work methodology. In light of the knowledge gathered from the discovery well, we see an exciting resource upside in both the discovery itself and other parts of the license. We now look forward to continuing our good cooperation with ConocoPhillips and contribute to realizing the full value potential in PL 891.”

Pandion Energy acquired its 20 per cent interest in the production license in July 2019 from operator ConocoPhillips, which holds the remaining 80 per cent.

CEO of Pandion Energy, Jan Christian Ellefsen, adds:

“The Slagugle discovery is a prime example of our exploration strategy targeting opportunities close to existing infrastructure with focus on prospects with material upsides. This is truly a great Christmas present and demonstrates the significant remaining resource potential on the NCS.”

The Slagugle well is the third discovery that Pandion Energy announces in 2020. In March, the company made an oil and gas discovery near the Balder field, in production license 820 S. The licensees are currently planning an appraisal campaign of this Iving discovery in 2021. In November, a minor gas discovery was announced in production license 263 D/E in the Norwegian Sea.

For further information see press release from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate: Oil discovery north of the Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea – 6507/5-10 S

Plan for development and operation for Hod approved

The field will be developed with a new Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI), Hod B, remotely operated from the Valhall field centre and run on power from shore, yielding close to zero CO2 emissions during normal operations.

Hod is one of the first projects to be realised under the temporary changes to the Norwegian petroleum Tax Act introduced in June 2020. The field is expected to generate more than NOK 6 billion of tax revenues during its lifetime. Including ripple effects, the project is estimated to create around 5 000 man-years of employment during the execution phase. 75 per cent of the contract values for construction of the Hod B platform and subsea installations have gone to Norwegian supplier companies.

Aker BP ASA is the operator of the Valhall and Hod fields. Pandion Energy AS holds 10% ownership interest in the Valhall area, including licenses PL006B, PL033 and PL033B.

Further details available at the Ministry’s website (Norwegian only).

Related articles:

Pandion Energy completes sale of Duva interest to PGNiG

The Duva oil and gas field is located in the northern North Sea and was discovered in the autumn of 2016. The Plan for Development and Operation (PDO) was approved in June 2019 with first production expected in late 2020 / early 2021.

Pandion Energy has with this completed the sale of it’s 20% non-operated interests in the Duva oil and gas field and associated licenses.

Related post: 07. November 2019 – Pandion Energy divests its 20 percent share in the Duva field.

Pandion Energy awarded two new APA Licenses

Pandion Energy has been awarded two licenses under the 2019 Norwegian APA (Awards in Pre-defined Areas) License Round on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The APA award was announced by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Sylvi Listhaug on Tuesday 14. January. For more information about APA 2019 see Ministry of Petroleum and Energy’s website.

Pandion Energy has been awarded the following licenses:

  • License PL 1047 in blocks 30/4, 5, 7 & 8 is located in the central part of the Viking Graben in the North Sea, between the Martin Linge- and Oseberg fields. Pandion Energy has been offered a 20 percent participating interest in PL 1047.
  • License PL 1062 in block 6507/11 is located at the Halten Terrace in the Norwegian Sea, southeast of the Heidrun field with the Midgard field to the south, and the Natalia discovery to the west. Pandion Energy holds several exploration licenses in the area and the team has experience from previous drilling in this block. Pandion Energy has been offered a 30 percent participating interest in PL 1062.

CEO of Pandion Energy, Jan Christian Ellefsen says:

“Pandion Energy considers the APA Awards an important source of attractive growth opportunities and we are pleased with the awarded licenses. With these licenses Pandion Energy will continue building a focused portfolio in selected areas in accordance with our exploration strategy.”


In addition the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) announced award of license PL 636 C in block 36/7 which is additional acreage to PL 636, the Duva field development. The Plan for Development and Operation (PDO) of the Duva field was approved by the MPE on June 26th 2019. Pandion Energy announced on November 7th 2019 that it had agreed to divest its 20% share in the Duva field. The additional acreage will be transferred to the new licensees before being formally awarded.